Indicating the remaining battery capacity
Press the check button on the battery cartridge to indi
cate the remaining battery capacity. The indicator lamps
light up for a few seconds.
Indicator lamps
Check button
Indicator lamps
75% to 100%
50% to 75%
25% to 50%
0% to 25%
Charge the
The battery
may have
Depending on the conditions of use and the
ambient temperature, the indication may differ slightly
from the actual capacity.
The first (far left) indicator lamp will blink when
the battery protection system works.
Tool / battery protection system
The tool is equipped with a tool/battery protection sys
tem. This system automatically cuts off power to the
motor to extend tool and battery life. The tool will auto
matically stop during operation if the tool or battery is
placed under one of the following conditions:
Overload protection
When the tool/battery is operated in a manner that
causes it to draw an abnormally high current, the tool
automatically stops without any indication. In this sit
uation, turn the tool off and stop the application that
caused the tool to become overloaded. Then turn the
tool on to restart.
Overheat protection
When the tool/battery is overheated, the tool stops
automatically. Let the tool cool down before turning the
tool on again.
Overdischarge protection
When the battery capacity is not enough, the tool stops
automatically. In this case, remove the battery from the
tool and charge the battery.
Releasing protection lock
When the protection system works repeatedly, the tool is locked.
In this situation, the tool does not start even if turning
the tool off and on. To release the protection lock,
remove the battery, set it to the battery charger and wait
until the charging finishes.
Protections against other causes
Protection system is also designed for other causes
that could damage the tool and allows the tool to stop
automatically. Take all the following steps to clear the
causes, when the tool has been brought to a temporary
halt or stop in operation.
1. Turn the tool off, and then turn it on again to
2. Charge the battery(ies) or replace it/them with
recharged battery(ies).
3. Let the tool and battery(ies) cool down.
If no improvement can be found by restoring protection
system, then contact your local Makita Service Center.
Switch action
Before installing the battery car-
tridge into the tool, always check to see that the
slide switch actuates properly and returns to the
"OFF" position when the rear of the slide switch
is depressed.
Switch can be locked in "ON" posi-
tion for ease of operator comfort during extended
use. Apply caution when locking tool in "ON"
position and maintain firm grasp on tool.
To start the tool, press down the rear end of the slide
switch and then slide it toward the “I (ON)” position. For
continuous operation, press down the front end of the
slide switch to lock it.
Slide switch