ENGLISH (Original instructions)
L ength of stroke
30 mm
S trokes per minute
0 - 3,000 min
Max . c utting c apac ities
P ipe
( w ith 300 mm blad e)
1 30 mm
W ood
( w ith 300 mm blad e)
25 5 mm
O v erall length
4 4 7 mm
Net w eigh t
3.2 - 3.3 kg
S af ety c lass
/ I I
Due to our continuing program of research and development, the specifications herein are subject to change
w ith out notic e.
Specifications may differ from country to country.
T h e w eigh t may d if f er d epend ing on th e attac h ment( s) . T h e ligh test and h eav iest c ombination, ac c ord ing to
EP T A -P roc ed ure 01 / 201 4 , are sh ow n in th e table.
Intended use
T h e tool is intend ed f or saw ing w ood , plastic , metal and
build ing materials w ith a strong impac t. I t is suitable f or
straigh t and c urv ed c utting.
Power supply
T h e tool sh ould be c onnec ted only to a pow er supply of
th e same v oltage as ind ic ated on th e nameplate, and
c an only be operated on single-ph ase A C supply . T h ey
are d ouble-insulated and c an, th eref ore, also be used
f rom soc kets w ith out earth w ire.
T h e ty pic al A -w eigh ted noise lev el d etermined ac c ord -
ing to EN6 28 4 1 -2-1 1 :
S ound pressure lev el ( L
) : 8 8 d B( A )
S ound pow er lev el ( L
) : 9 9 d B ( A )
U nc ertainty ( K) : 3 d B( A )
T h e d ec lared noise emission v alue( s) h as been
measured in ac c ord anc e w ith a stand ard test meth od
and may be used f or c omparing one tool w ith anoth er.
T h e d ec lared noise emission v alue( s) may
also be used in a preliminary assessment of ex posure.
Wear ear protection.
The noise emission during actual
use of the power tool can differ from the declared
value(s) depending on the ways in which the tool is
used especially what kind of workpiece is processed.
Be sure to identify safety measures
to protect the operator that are based on an estima-
tion of exposure in the actual conditions of use (tak
ing account of all parts of the operating cycle such
as the times when the tool is switched off and when
it is running idle in addition to the trigger time).
T h e v ibration total v alue ( tri-ax ial v ec tor sum) d eter-
mined ac c ord ing to EN6 28 4 1 -2-1 1 :
W ork mod e: c utting board s
Vibration emission ( a
h ,B
) : 1 9 .5 m/ s
U nc ertainty ( K) : 1 .5 m/ s
W ork mod e: c utting w ood en beams
Vibration emission ( a
h ,W B
) 1 9 .5 m/ s
U nc ertainty ( K) : 1 .5 m/ s
T h e d ec lared v ibration total v alue( s) h as been
measured in ac c ord anc e w ith a stand ard test meth od
and may be used f or c omparing one tool w ith anoth er.
T h e d ec lared v ibration total v alue( s) may also
be used in a preliminary assessment of ex posure.
The vibration emission during
actual use of the power tool can differ from the
declared value(s) depending on the ways in which
the tool is used especially what kind of workpiece
is processed.
Be sure to identify safety mea
sures to protect the operator that are based on an
estimation of exposure in the actual conditions of
use (taking account of all parts of the operating
cycle such as the times when the tool is switched
off and when it is running idle in addition to the
trigger time).
EC Declaration of Conformity
For European countries only
T h e EC d ec laration of c onf ormity is inc lud ed as A nnex A
to th is instruc tion manual.