Bit grease
Coat the bit shank head beforehand with a small amount
of bit grease (about 0.5 – 1 g ; 0.02 – 0.04 oz).
This chuck lubrication assures smooth action and longer
service life.
Using the cold chisel or bull point (Fig. 9)
When using optional cold chisel or bull point, proceed as
Unplug the tool.
Remove the side grip from the tool.
Set the action mode changing knob to “rotation with
Install the chisel on the tool. Refer to “installing or
removing the drill bit” described on the previous
Install the chisel adapter (optional accessory) on the
tool so that the chisel is inserted through the chisel
Rotate the chisel so that the chisel faces toward the
direction suitable for your work. Then secure the
chisel and chisel adapter to the tool using the clamp
screw on the chisel adapter.
Set the action mode changing knob to “hammering
only”. Now you can use the chisel.
To remove the chisel, follow the installation proce-
dures in reverse.
Always use “hammering only” action when the chisel
adapter is installed on the tool. If you use “rotation with
hammering” ot “rotation only”, a malfunction and damage
to the tool will result.
Blow-out bulb (Fig. 10)
Use the blow-out bulb to clean out the hole.
Dust cup (Fig. 11)
Use the dust cup to prevent dust from falling over the tool
and on yourself when performing overhead drilling opera-
tions. Attach the dust cup to the bit. The size of bits which
the dust cup can be attached to is as follows.
Drilling in wood or metal (Fig. 12)
Use the optional drill chuck assembly (consisting of drill
chuck and chuck adapter assembly). When installing it,
refer to “Installing or removing drill bit” described on the
previous page. Set the action mode changing knob to
“rotation only”. You can drill up to 13 mm diameter in
metal and up to 20 mm diameter in wood.
Never use “rotation with hammering” when the drill chuck
assembly is installed on the tool. The drill chuck assem-
bly may be damaged.
Also, the drill chuck will come off when reversing the tool.
Bit diameter (mm)
Dust cup 5
6 – 14.5
Dust cup 9
12 – 16