Remove the three (3) socket cap
screws attaching the motor to the
Carriage assembly and set
motor aside.
MakerBot Replicator
MakerBot Rep
Remove loosen up the set screw
holding the castle nut on to the
motor axle.
Remove the two (2) silver thread
forming screws attaching the
Extruder Fan to the fan mount and
set aside.
Remove the two (2) silver thread
forming screws attaching the
Active Cooling Fan to the fan
mount and set aside.
Step 7 -Disassemble Carriage
Assembly (optional)
Remove six (12) thread forming
screws that attach the Gantry
Assembly to the Top Cover of the
Rep using a T15 Torx Driver
Step 8 - Remove Gantry
Lift Gantry Assembly and set
: For this example we have
removed the X Gantry Extrusion
for better visual access to the
screws that will need to be