MakerBot Replicator
MakerBot Rep
Unplug the HDMI Cable.
Remove the thread forming screw
attached to the grounding cable
from the UI.
Remove the four (4) thread
forming screws holding the UI
Electrostatic Discharge Cover
(ESD) cover onto the UI Faceplate.
Pull apart the ESD to separate.
Remove the four (4) thread
forming screws that attach the
Hoboken PCB to the UI Faceplate.
: The following steps are only
if you need to disassemble the UI.
Step 4 - Remove User Interface
Assembly (UI)
Disconnect the Camera Wire
Harness located behind the User
Interface Assembly (UI).
Remove the eight (6) button head
screws located on the inside of
the printer near the gantry rails
attaching the top cover to the side
Unplug the motor wires and HDMI
cable, then lift and remove the Top
Cover and set aside.
Step 3 - Remove Top Cover
Next remove the six (6) thread
forming screws attaching the UI
to the Top Cover and push the UI
out of the Top Cover.