Majestic • DBDV36PLATIN, DBDV36PLATIL, DBDV42PLATIN, DBDV42PLATIL Installation Manual • 2454-980 Rev. B • 5/16
Assemble Vent Sections
(SLP Only)
To attach the
rst vent component to the starting collars
of the appliance:
• Attach a DVP-SLP24 adapter to the starting collar of the
• Lock the vent components into place by sliding the pipe
section onto the collar.
• Align the seam of the pipe and seam of collar to allow
engagement. Rotate the vent component to lock into
place. Use this procedure for all vent components. See
Figure 7.5.
• Slide the gasket over the
rst vent section and place it
ush to the appliance. This will prevent cold air in
Caulk with a minimum of 300ºF continuous exposure
rating may be used to hold the part in place.
• Continue adding vent components, locking each
succeeding component into place.
• Ensure that each succeeding vent component is securely
tted and locked into the preceding component.
Required Commercial, Multi-family (Multi-level exceeding
two stories), or High-Rise Applications
All outer pipe joints must be sealed with high temperature
silicone (300º F minimum continuous exposure rating), in-
cluding the slip section that connects directly to the hori-
zontal termination cap.
• Apply a bead of silicone sealant (300º F minimum con-
tinuous exposure rating) inside the female outer pipe
joint prior to joining sections. See Figure 7.1.
Apply a bead of silicone sealant (300º F minimum con-
tinuous exposure rating) to the outside of connecting
joint after joining sections
Apply aluminum foil tape (300º F minimum continuous
exposure rating) to the outside of connecting joint after
joining sections. On horizontal pipe runs, it is recom-
mended that the tape seam is positioned on the bottom
side of the vent pipe.
• Only outer pipes need to be sealed. All unit collar, pipe,
slip section, elbow and cap outer
ues shall be sealed
in this manner, unless otherwise stated.
Figure 7.5 Adding Venting Components
WARNING! Risk of Fire or Explosion! DO NOT
silicone seals on slip sections. Use care when remov-
ing termination cap from slip pipe. If slip section seals
are broken during removal of the termination cap, vent
could leak.
Note: Align seams to engage pipe,
then rotate counterclockwise to lock
B. Assemble Slip Sections
• Slide the inner
ue of the slip section into the inner
of the pipe section and the outer
ue of the slip section
over the outer
ue of the pipe section. See Figure 7.6.
• Slide together to the desired length.
Figure 7.6 Slip Section Pilot Holes
Figure 7.7 Screws into Slip Section
Pilot hole
Pilot hole
• Continue adding pipe as necessary following instructions
in “Assembling Pipe Sections.”
If slip section is too long, the inner and outer
of the slip section can be cut to the desired length.
• Maintain a 1-1/2 in. (38 mm) overlap between the slip
section and the pipe section.
• Secure the pipe and slip section with two screws no
longer than 1/2 in. (13 mm), using the pilot holes in the
slip section. See Figure 7.7.