S12800 Routing Switch Installa
tion Manual V1.0
Maipu Confidential & Proprietary Information
Page 72
5 Troubleshooting
This chapter describes how to exclude the installation failure of S12800, including:
5.1 Troubleshooting of Configuration System
5.2 Troubleshooting about Power Fault
5.4 Troubleshooting of MPU Card
5.5 Troubleshooting of SFU Card
5.6 Troubleshooting of LPU Card
5.1 Troubleshooting of Configuration System
After the switch is powered on and if the system is normal, the start information is displayed
on the configuration terminal. If the configuration system fails, there may be no display or
messy code on the configuration terminal.
5.1.1 Troubleshooting about no Display on Terminal
If there is no display information on the configuration terminal after being powered on, check
according to the following steps:
Step 1:
Check whether the power system of the switch works normally
Step 2:
Check whether the indicator of the MPU card (control card) works normally.
Check whether the card is inserted correctly and whether the MPU card (control
card) is damaged.
Step 3:
Check whether the configuration cable is connected to the Console port of the
MPU card (control card).
If no problem is found in the above checks, there may be the following reasons:
The serial port connected to the configuration cable is wrong (the actual selected serial
port is not consistent with the set serial port of the terminal).
The setting of the configuration terminal parameters is wrong (the parameter