UK | 17 Frequently asked questions (FAQs)
17.5 Room temperature adjustment
In the
web tool (for specialist install-
ers) parameter (#660)
The room temperature has to be adjusted if
an actual room temperature deviating from
the actual value is displayed.
Comfort control unit, external or bus
room sensor in unfavourable installation
with parameter under
room temperature adjustment.
Setting range for
T-room max.
-3 to +3 K, factory setting 0 K.
Example of adjustment:
Actual room tem-
perature 20.3 °C. With
Room temperature
-0.4 K, an actual room tempera-
ture of 19.9 °C is displayed.
17.6 Room humidity adjustment
In the
web tool (for specialist
installers) parameter (#659)
The room humidity has to be adjusted if an
actual room humidity deviating from the actual
value is displayed.
17.7 Data export of live reports
Reports provide an overview graph with the
prepared data for
● average volumetric flow
ventilation curve
humidity curve
temperature curve
energy recovery with the controlled domes-
tic ventilation
Reports can be produced and displayed for
the selected living areas and time segments.
Pressing the
Export data
button produces a
back-up file. Data from the last 12 months
can then be saved.
17.8 Web server / network
For information about linking a PC or note-
book into the network
commissioning and
maintenance instructions, Chapter 8.8.
17.9 Creating more ventilation units
To register a ventilation unit, press the
another unit
Send us your registration details. Once
successfully registered, you will receive a
You can log into the
web tool with the
access data. If authorised as a specialist
installer, you can commission the additional
ventilation unit.
For an overview of all registered
ventilation units
Main menu