Magtrol Hysteresis Dynamometers
Chapter 6 – Calibration
9. Reduce the current to zero while pumping the calibration beam CW/CCW (moving it up and
down). This will ensure that the rotor does not remain magnetized in one specific location
(becoming “cogged”), thus preventing the shaft from rotating freely. For more information,
refer to
Section 4.1.8 – Cogging
10. Remove the calibration beam.
The dynamometer is calibrated and ready for motor testing.
Calibration frequenCy
Magtrol load cells are temperature compensated and designed for stability. It is a good idea to
calibrate, frequently at first, maintaining a record (see
Appendix A – Calibration Record
) until you have
established a history. If there appears to be excessive drift, contact Magtrol Technical Assistance.
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