Magtrol Model 6530 Three-Phase Power Analyzer
Chapter 4 – Operating Principles
Interrupt Driven
The power analyzer will automatically update its data every 4.469 microseconds by completing the
following sequence of events:
The volts input is read and checked for an over range condition. The offset is then added to
the reading and the reading is negated and saved.
The amps input is read and checked for an over range condition. The offset is then added to
the reading and the reading is negated and saved.
The volt reading is checked to see if it is the peak and if so is stored.
The amp reading is checked to see if it is the peak and if so is stored.
The volt reading is squared and the squared reading is summed.
The volt and amp reading is multiplied and the multiplied value is summed.
The amp reading is squared and summed.
After 256 readings are summed, the sums are transferred to a 56-
bit V² register, a 56-bit VI register, and a 56-bit I² register. A sample
ready flag is set.