2 - Connection Types
eDynamo| Secure Card Reader Authenticator | Programmer’s Manual (COMMANDS)
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Table 2-5 - Data Read Status Characteristic
Characteristic Name
Data Read Status
Data Size
UUID (LSB Order)
Contains the characteristic identifier (byte 0), characteristic block identifier
(byte 1), and the read status (byte 2) of the data that was ready to be read.
The host software should write a 0 to this characteristic after reading a block
of card data, to notify the device it is ready to read the next block of card
data, at which point the device posts the next block of data to the Data ready
characteristic. The device does not accept any more card swipes until the
host writes to this characteristic. If the host fails to write to this
characteristic within 10 seconds of being notified a card data block is ready,
the device terminates the transaction and discards all card data.
How to Connect to a Device Using Bluetooth LE
The general steps for a host to communicate with the device via Bluetooth LE are as follows:
Scan for nearby Bluetooth LE peripherals advertising the desired GATT service UUID.
If multiple devices of the desired type are available, examine each device’s name property. A
specific device’s default name is a constant, and by default is equal to the product name plus a hyphen
plus the serial number on the device label.
Establish a Bluetooth LE connection with the device.
Pair with the device using passkey 000000. In many cases this step is operator-driven.
Make sure, if the host is expecting to receive data from any Bluetooth LE characteristics, those
characteristics are configured to enable notifications (see section
). The specific method to enable notifications for a characteristic is different in
different Bluetooth LE development libraries. For example, iOS code would be similar to
[servicePeripheral setNotifyValue:YES
Send commands to the device (see section
2.2.3 How to Send Commands On the Bluetooth LE
) and process incoming messages from the device (see section
Data On the Bluetooth LE Connection
How to Send Commands On the Bluetooth LE Connection
To send a command request and to receive the command response, the host should do the following:
Make sure it is connected to the device (see section
2.2.2 How to Connect to a Device Using
Write the command request data to the
Command Data
Wait to receive a
Data Ready
notification with the characteristic identifier set to 0 (command data).
Read the command response data from the
Command Data
Interpret the data according to section
3.2 How to Use GATT Format (GATT Only)
For a full list of commands and details about how to use them, see section