5.6.4 Write Enabling / Unlocking
Ensure an exclamation mark (!) appears as the last character
on the first line of the display to confirm the password has
been accepted.
Refer to section 2.6.4 of the ECLIPSE Enhanced Model 705
Installation and Operating Manual Bulletin 57-600 for
information on password protection.
When the alterations to the system are complete, insure the
menu has been locked with the password to prevent inad-
vertent changes to the device.
Site Acceptance Testing
To ensure proper operation after installation and configura-
tion a site acceptance test should be completed. This proce-
dure is identical to the Proof Test Procedure described in
Section 6.1.4.
Recording Results
Results of Site Acceptance Testing must be recorded for
future reference.
5.9.1 Diagnostics
Internal diagnostic testing does a complete cycle 6 times per
second (1 every 167mS). A message will appear and the
Output current will be driven to 3.6 or 22mA (customer
dependent) upon detection of a Fault.
5.9.2 Troubleshooting
Report all failures to MAGNETROL.
Refer to Section 3.3 of the ECLIPSE Enhanced Model 705
Installation and Operating Manual Bulletin 57-600 for
troubleshooting device errors. To assist in finding errors
should they occur, complete the Configuration Data Sheets
included at the end of the Operating Manual. Be sure to
include all device information, including the password.
Retain this information in a safe place.
• As there are no moving parts in this device, the only main-
tenance required is the proof test.
• Firmware can only be upgraded by factory personnel.
57-650 Eclipse
SIL Functional Safety Manual