• The permitted modes are listed for each block.
• The block must be in an automatic mode for normal
NOTE: The MODE_BLK target parameter must be OOS (out of service)
to change configuration and calibration parameters in that func-
tion block (when in OOS, the normal algorithm is no longer exe-
cuted and any outstanding alarms are cleared).
All blocks must be in an operating mode for the device to oper-
ate. This requires the Resource Block to be in “AUTO” and the
Transducer Block to be in “AUTO” before the Function Blocks
can be placed in a mode other than OOS (out of service).
a parameter that reflects the error status of
hardware or software components associated with, and
directly affecting, the correct operation of a block.
NOTE: A BLOCK_ERR of “Simulation Active” in the Resource Block
does not mean simulation is active—it merely indicates that the
simulation (hardware) enabling jumper is present.
Resource Block
The RESOURCE block contains data specific to the
Enhanced Jupiter transmitter, along with some
information about the firmware.
NOTE: The Resource Block has no control function.
Must be in AUTO in order for the remain-
ing blocks in the transmitter to operate.
NOTE: A Resource Block in “out of service” will stop all function block
execution in the transmitter.
RS_STATE (Resource State):
identifies the state of the
RESOURCE block state machine. Under normal operating
conditions, it should be “On-Line.”
a string identifying the tag of the
resource that contains the Device Description for this device.
contains Magnetrol International’s
manufacturer’s ID number, which is
the Device Type of the Enhanced Jupiter 2xx
transmitter (0x0002). It is used by interface devices to
locate the Device Description (DD) file for this product.
contains the firmware revision of the Enhanced
Jupiter transmitter. It is used by interface devices to correctly
select the associated DD.
46-649 Jupiter Magnetostrictive Transmitter - F