FIG. 2
The Magneplanar 3.7i has superior phase characteristics. We suggest you resist the
tendency to place the speakers so they are parallel to the front wall. For optimum
phasing, the speakers should angled as shown in Figures 1 or 2.
Once you have located the ideal speaker position, a mark is helpful for quickly
replacing the speakers. A small tack, yarn woven into the carpet, or piece of tape
can be placed on the carpet so your ideal listening spot can be easily relocated
when the speakers (or chair) are moved for cleaning, etc. In the event your ideal
listening spot is inconvenient from the standpoint of the room layout and decor,
simply slide the speakers wherever they look best. For background listening the
speakers can be placed close to the wall and it will make little di
The entire placement procedure may seem like a great deal of work, but is
necessary in the setup of any high quality system. The time and e
ort expended
should be necessary only once, and will repay the owner with countless hours of
musical enjoyment.
Revised 2-10-19
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