The full selection tree for Windows
NT, 2000 & XP giving access to all print control options. (As
on the Magicard
Card Printer Advanced Document Settings screen print above)
Card Printer Advanced Document Settings.
|__ Paper Output
| |__ Paper Size
| |_ _Copy Count
|__ Document Options
|__ Flip
|__ Printing Options
| |__ Front
| | |__ _ Colour Format
| | |__ _ Resin Black
| | |__ _ Overcoat
| |__ Back
| | |__ _ Colour Format
| | |__ _ Resin Black
| | |__ _ Overcoat
| |__ HoloPatch
|__ Orientation (Portrait / Landscape)
| |__ Front
| |__ Back
|__ 180 Rotation
|__ Colour
| |__ Gamma Correction
| |__ Colour Matching
| |__ RGB Adjustment
| |__ Printhead Power
| |__ YMC
| |__ Black Resin
| |__ Overcoat
|__ Encode Only
|__ Print Quality
A full explanation of the functions of these selections is given above in the Windows
95/98 Driver section.