MultiView™ II XRTx Installation and User Guide
Auxiliary Signal Support: (SAP) Version
The XRTx-SAP comes equipped with an internal hardware (SAP) option module, enabling full-duplex RS-232
serial (no hardware handshaking signals) and stereo audio. Note that the (SAP) module itself does have some
user-configurable settings that can be changed by on-board DIP-switches (not through the front-panel buttons).
The following table describes features of the XRTx-SAP.
Table 9: XRTx-SAP Features
Simplex or Duplex
RS-232 Support
Provides simplex or duplex serial data, even with daisy-chained receivers.
Data is transmitted using “broadcast” mode by default.
If desired, receivers are individually addressable. Note that response-data will be
accepted simultaneously from all receivers, which could cause communication
problems unless they are uniquely addressed. However, if display devices have
their own addressing scheme, then the default SAP “broadcast” behavior will likely
be preferred – with the display-addressing being handled by the display-control
RS-232 interface supports a 3-wire interface: TX/RX/GND.
Baud rate is adjustable in 9 steps from 1200 to 115K BAUD. The factory-default
speed is 9600 BAUD.
Note: The SAP transmitter and receivers modules must have their SAP-address
configured correctly. The factory-default setting for all (SAP) modules is address-0.
This is the “broadcast” address.
Note: All SAP-address configuration changes (via DIP switches, see Appendix C)
should be done before making any cable connections and applying power.
L/R true stereo audio is supported simultaneously with serial data. Audio gain/mute
settings are under serial control.
The (SAP) module provides many additional user-configurable settings, available through the serial port. Please
refer to the SAP-II Programmer’s Guide for additional details.
Note that in cases where an XRTx-SAP transmitter is routed through a DA (Distribution Amp) such as a
MultiView™ 9D, for example, or a Mondo (or other) video switch (other than Mondo SAP), the (SAP) module will
provide simplex serial (TX-only, though the addressable-receiver feature still works), and audio. In this mode,
receive-direction serial data (RX) is ignored.
CAT5 Cable Compatibility
The MultiView™ and MultiView™ II family of products enables the highest quality video extension over common
Category 5 (CAT5) cable. In some applications, system design or environmental factors can require the use of
CAT5e and CAT6 cabling (with and without optional shielding). Each installation may have special requirements,
and it is up to the system designer to determine the most appropriate type of cable to deploy with MultiView™
and MultiView™ II products. In any case, if there is any doubt with regards to a specific type of cable it is strongly
advised that actual testing be performed using an appropriate length of the desired cable – BEFORE that cable
is specified and installed.
The XRTx transmitter supports a daisy-chain CAT5 connection to multiple receivers. This allows one video
source to be sent to many displays at the same time with the absolute minimum amount of signal degradation.
Magenta Research products are compatible with standard CAT5/5e/6 data cabling as well as specialized “low
skew” cabling manufactured primarily for video applications. Note that some “low skew” cabling is specific to a
particular equipment vendor or application and may not compatible with MultiView™ or MultiView™ II products.
Please ensure any “low-skew” CAT5 cable is non-proprietary prior to purchase/installation.