Rev: 1.6
Doc: MAN-3P_MCRII_REV1.6.Doc
Page 14 of 29
Magellan Powertronics
68 Cocos Drive, Bibra Lake, WA 6136 Tel: 08 94346621 Fax: 08 94346623
on the front panel for more than 10 seconds places the system into Battery Test
mode 2.
In Mode 2 the charger voltage is lowered to a safe level for the load and a test resistor
(Optional) is connected across the battery. The battery voltage and current is then monitored
by the microprocessor which constantly calculates the ampere hour capacity of the battery.
The test continues until the battery voltage reaches the `End Voltage’ as specified by the
manufacturer. This value (CAP TEST LEVEL) is pre-settable in the Battery Test Menu .
After the `End Voltage’ is reached the calculated Ah capacity along with the time the test has
been in progress is displayed.
If at any time during test the battery voltage falls below a pre-set level (10% above battery
disconnect level), the test is terminated.
The results of the test are then displayed permanently on the front panel LCD until the
key is operated. The results of the most recent capacity test can be accessed in normal mode
by pressing the
key on the front panel (Screen 5).
Battery Test mode 1 and 2 can be terminated at any time by operating the
Reset key
on the
front panel. Detection of a mains fail will also automatically terminate Battery Test mode 1
and 2.
As the charger is still operational (at a lower voltage) during both battery test modes
1 and 2, power to the load will still be maintained even if the battery is faulty or open circuit.
Temperature Compensation
This facility adjusts the charger voltage in accordance with the battery temperature. The
charger voltage is lower at higher temperatures. For the Battery Temperature Compensation
to operate the Temperature probes must be connected to the terminals X5 provided on the
charger. The temperature probes are to be mounted on the battery –ve terminals, ensuring
good thermal contact.
If the battery temperature probes are not connected then the battery temperature indicated on
the LCD panel would be very high.