Main Menu - Page 1
Show Map:
Displays the map with your current position (if computing a position from the GPS
signals) indicated by the blue triangle. See the Map Screen chapter for details.
Enter Address:
Enter Address
menu. Addresses can be entered by first entering the town,
post code, or by selecting a town from a list of towns you have already used as destinations. Also
provides access to your address book (my addresses) or to create a route to a town centre. See the
chapter on Routing to an Address for details
Points of Interest:
Search Points of Interest
menu. Search for POIs by entering the
name or by selecting from a list of available categories. POIs that have been created and installed
using the POI Editor software (found on the CD-ROM) can be accessed from this menu. For more
information on the
Search Points of Interest
menu, see the Points of Interest chapter.
If you have created a Home address, press the Home button for quick access to routing to
your home. If you have not created a Home address, you will be prompted (visually) to do so. See
the Home Button chapter for more information.
Roadside Assistance:
Auto-service and Maintenance
screen. For more information on
this feature, see the Roadside Assistance chapter.
Bluetooth (Maestro 3140 only):
Bluetooth Main Menu
screen. For more information on
connecting to a mobile phone, see the chapter on Bluetooth.