Example 1: The calculation results in the following possible values for a joist/main girder of 180 mm:
Pin height 150 mm with a base of 30 mm
Pin height 140 mm with a base of 40 mm
Pin height 130 mm with a base of 50 mm
Pin height 120 mm with a base of 60 mm
Example 2: The calculation gives a base of at least 36.6 mm (1/6) and at most 73.2 mm (2/6) for a joist/main
girder of 220 mm. On the type B jigs, the stops can be set at 10 mm intervals. The numbers are therefore
rounded down or up to a full 10 mm respectively. In order to maintain the minimum value of 1/6, the calculated
base (1/6 = 36.6 mm) in this example is rounded up to the next higher value of 10 and thus results in 40 mm.
The maximum base (2/6 = 73.2 mm) is 70 mm.
The possible pin heights are calculated by subtracting the calculated base (e.g. 40 to 70 mm) from the height
of the main girder (e.g. 220 mm):
Pin height 180 mm with a base of (36.6) 40 mm
Pin height 170 mm with a base of 50 mm
Pin height 160 mm with a base of 60 mm
Pin height 150 mm with a base of 70 mm
The minimum height of the pins for all jigs is 90 mm. This also results in the minimum height of the timbers.
Permissible loads
An overview table with the permissible loads on the joints can be found on the last page of these operating
instructions. The table can also be downloaded from our homepage www.arunda.ch . On our homepage
www.arunda.ch you will also find a load calculator (Calculus).
Once the pin height has been calculated, the permissible load can be read from the table.
Explanations regarding the first three columns:
Pin h (mm):
Specifies the pin height
hjoist (mm)
Specifies the height of the joist.
hmaing (mm):
Specifies the minimum height of the main girder.
The permissible loads Vd1 and Vd2 for the individual jig models can be read from the remaining columns.
Vd1 specifies the dimensioning according to the shearing force of the pin on the joist.
Vd2 specifies the dimensioning according to the base on the main girder.
The load is calculated using the smallest permissible load.
Important: The values Vd1 and Vd2 are calculated guide values. They
correspond to the actual loads without taking into account the safety
coefficient. Mafell assumes no liability for a use in which the values of the table
are not taken into account. The permissible loads on the joints must be
calculated taking into account numerous criteria of the construction project.
Pin length
The pin length is 26 mm, but can vary minimally depending on the case and cutter setting (Fig. 1).