Before attempting to operate this compressor the following basic safety precautions should
always be taken to reduce the risk of fire, electric shock and personal injury. It is important to
read the instruction manual to understand the application, limitations and potential hazards
associated with any tool. They are designed for the safety of yourself and others, ensuring a
long and trouble free service life from your machine.
Work Area
This machine is for home use. Workbenches should be kept tidy because cluttered benches
and work areas invite accidents. Floors should be kept clean and free from rubbish. Special
care should be taken if the floor is slippery due to sawdust or wax.
For safety, it is required to install the circuit breaker before air compressor plugs into socket.
For 1.5HP air compressor, the recommended circuit breaker size is 250VAC, 30AMP;
For 2.0HP and 3.0HP air compressor, the recommended circuit breaker size is 250VAC, 40AMP.
Work Environment
Keep the work area well lit. Do not use compressor in areas where there is a risk of explosion
or fire from combustible materials, flammable liquids, e.g., paint, varnish, petrol etc or
flammable gases and dust of an explosive nature.
Guard Against Electric Shock
Do not expose your compressor to rain, or use in damp or wet locations.
Beware Children and Pets
Children and pets should be kept out of the work area.
Use the right tool
Select the right tool for the job. Do not use a tool for a job for which it was not designed. Do
not force a small tool to do the job of a heavy-duty tool.
Personal safety Clothing
Do not wear loose clothing, jewellery or anything that could get caught in moving machinery.
Long hair should be tied back or contained in a protective covering.
Eye Protection
Always use protective safety goggles or safety glasses.
Noisie Level
A-weighted sound power level, L
75dB(A), K
: 3dB(A)
A-weighted emission sound pressure level, L
85dB(A), K
In accordance with EN ISO 2151:2008
Ear Protection
Ear protection is advised during periods of extended operation.