MAC Address
Short for Media Access Control address, a hardware address that unique-
ly identifies each node of a network. In IEEE 802 networks, the Data Link
Control (DLC) layer of the OSI Reference Model is divided into two sublay-
ers: the Logical Link Control (LLC) layer and the Media Access Control
(MAC) layer. The MAC layer communicates directly with the network media.
Consequently, each different type of network media requires a different MAC
PPP (Point-to-Point protocol) is a communication protocol for transmit-
ting information over analog telephone lines. A PPP account is a dial-up
account used to access the Internet. It is a dial-up account that actually calls
another computer to gain Internet access.
PAP stands for Password Authentication Protocol. CHAP means
Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol. Most ISPs use one or the other
for user authentication. If your ISP does not support either of these two proto-
cols, contact the ISP for login script. You have to key in the login script on
the PalmRouter Elite.
Acronym for Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol. TCP/IP is
a program consisting of two layers of protocols or languages used to control
the flow of information over the Internet. The Transmission Control Protocol
aids in packaging large files of information into smaller packets of data that
are ready for transport. The second layer Internet Protocol controls the
addressing system, in a sense determining where the data packets are sent.