(8) Q: Can I use the XLR Mic Inputs for
balanced line inputs?
No and Yes. IMPORTANT!!!!!! The way
the board is configured from the factory it is
not meant to accept a line level signal at the
Mic Inputs. Although the mic and line inputs
pass through the same preamp stage, the line
input has an internal 10dB pad. This 10dB
pad can be accomplished externally by con-
necting two resistors into the XLR cord being
plugged into the XLR jack.
The procedure for this is: solder one 4.7K
(4,700 ohm) resistor is series with pin 2 (typi-
cally +) and one 4.7K (4,700 ohm) resistor in
series with pin 3 (typically “–”). Solder the
ground connection as normal.
The most important thing to remember
about connecting line inputs to the XLR Mic
PHANTOM POWER unless you put a 22
f 50V
electrolytic capacitor in series with each re-
sistor on pins 2 and 3. The positive leg of the
capacitor should be at the mixer end.
(9) Q: How do I record with effects?
There are three ways:
During tracking or overdubbing, use the
Main 1/2 outputs to feed your multitrack and
keep the effects returns connected to the Aux
Returns to Master jacks. This way the multi-
track will get effects. Use the MUTE ALT 3/4
to feed the amp and speakers for monitoring
purposes by muting (ALT 3/4) the multitrack
returns. When it is time to mix simply con-
nect the Main 1/2 Outputs to the amp for
monitoring the mix.
When using direct outputs from the
mixer to feed the multitrack inputs, the best
way to record with effects is to place the effect
device in between the mixer and the multi-
track. You should use the “mix” potentiometer
on the effect device to determine how much
effects are wanted on the original signal. This
would have to be done on a per channel basis.
Recording with effects can also be done
using the ALT 3/4 outputs by muting the original
signal and muting effects returned to channels.
Connecting the ALT 3/4 outputs to the multi-
track inputs gives you effects to tape. Mod #3
must be done first. (See question 2.)
(10) Q: Why are there really only 9 questions?
There are two reasons:
Due to an unforseen space-time rift, the
tenth answer slipped back in time before the
question ever happened and cancelled out its
own existence.
This is actually a trick question. The
tenth question negates itself simply by being
the tenth question. It’s kind of like saying,
“This statement is false.” The statement is
only true if it’s false. But if it’s false then it
would be true… oh, nevermind. If you’re not
a student of logic, just pretend like this ques-
tion never really happened in the first place.
Содержание CR-1604
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