6.1 Insert F-08, F-09, F-10 and F-11 into the
bolt and secure it with nuts.
6.2 Individually insert one bolt into F-08
and F-09. Then, connect F-18 to F-08 and
F-09 and tighten using bolts and nuts.
6.3 Insert one bolt each
into F-10 and F-11.
Connect F-17 to F-10
and F-11 with bolts and
n u t s . A f t e r w a r d s ,
connect F-17 to F-05
t h r o u g h t h e h o l e
mentioned in step 5.3
using a bolt and nut.
These are the parts used in this section.
Item No.
6.1 Insert F-08, F-09, F-10 and F-11 into the
bolt and secure it with nuts.
6.2 Individually insert one bolt into F-08
and F-09. Then, connect F-18 to F-08 and
F-09 and tighten using bolts and nuts.
6.3 Insert one bolt each
into F-10 and F-11.
Connect F-17 to F-10
and F-11 with bolts and
n u t s . A f t e r w a r d s ,
connect F-17 to F-05
t h r o u g h t h e h o l e
mentioned in step 5.3
using a bolt and nut.
These are the parts used in this section.
Item No.