The Mach SlingShot Series has been developed for high performance touring and top-end
installation applications. The MS1262, MS15X2 and MS118 cover new pioneering ground and
incorporate several new materials and techniques, including a special horn flare design that is
acoustically optimized to eliminate eddy currents and a new construction technique that
minimizes mechanical resonance.
The SlingShot has a very high SPL-to-frontal-area/SPL-to-weight ratio and is capable of
delivering HI-FI like clarity at maximum output.
M S 1 2 6 2
The MS1262 is an active three-way long throw unit with a 55° x 35° coverage pattern,
operating from 190Hz to 21kHz. The 12” and 6” units are built from scratch to achieve
maximum performance in the horn-loaded design. The 12” is a fast, clean, and very strong unit
that works from 140 Hz to 2 kHz. The unit has a powerful motor with a 2 ½” voice coil with
excellent cooling and very low power compression. The 6 ½” high/mid unit is exceptionally
crisp and detailed. It features a 1 ¼” aluminum voice coil and has a very extended frequency
response from 600 Hz to 6 kHz.
The HF unit is a 2" compression driver with a 3" titanium diaphragm. To achieve an extended
frequency response, special Mylar suspension is incorporated into the unit. The solid power
handling and very low power compression is achieved by incorporating a specially developed
flat aluminum voice coil. Apart from virtually linear performance from 3 to 18 kHz, the driver
has a remarkably clean, neutral, and open sound.
All drive units in the MS1262 operate more than an octave beyond the frequency range in
which they are engaged. The audible result of this extreme approach is a speaker with
remarkable headroom and ideal phase throughout the frequency range. The nature of the
speaker remains unchanged regardless of the output and it maintains detail and clarity even at
maximum SPL.
M S 1 5 X 2
The MS15X2 is a horn-loaded double 15” mid-bass unit with a horizontal beam width of 90° -
120° and a vertical beam width of 50° - 90°. It delivers extreme output and clarity with a
uniform on-and-off-axis response that provides ideal support for the MS1262 and MS118 in
outdoor or large indoor live applications where more energy is needed in the critical mid-bass
area. The engine consists of two specially developed 15” low-mid devices with a shaped cone,
low hysteresis in all moving parts, and a double cooling system. They are lightly loaded by a