ow to mount speaker with eye-bolts
For some installations, especially of the larger speakers in the C-range, the ideal way to mount the speaker is by
hanging the cabinet in a wire and attaching the wire to the speaker with an eye-bolt.
All mounting points use standard 10mm metric thread for maximum flexibility. To screw an eye-bolt into the
cabinet, first select where to position the bolt and unscrew the blind bolt in already place. The eyebolt should be
tightened with no more than 5 NM (3.7 ft-lbs).
The certified load for the standard Mach eye-bolt is 4000 kilograms (8800 pounds)
Make sure that you comply with all local health and safety regulations when you hang a product. Always
dimension all wires and joints with an appropriate safety factor and never use equipment where the loading capability
in unknown.
Horizontal flying
Vertical flying