Digital Video Recorder
Operational Manual
© 2004 Mace Security Products.
Apply for control power
Web client software can supply the login of multiple users. If you want to have the
control, you can click this option and confirm to have the control. (4-30). If a new user wants to have the
control, the new user has to apply and gain the authorization of the existing user with control. If the logged-in
users are all normal u sers, the first logged-in user gains the control power automatically. If a higher lever user
logs in later, they can gain the control power automatically. If only one user logs in or the logged-in user is
the user with control, the box is gray.
The picture below (4-31) is the other user sending request to the existing user with control.
Log information
The operations on the system are all recorded in log information.
If choose
Save Log
, the Log will be saved automatically in the root directory of your PC’
s“C:\ as a text file
(e.g.: C:\