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The bottom half of this gives you controls to play the chaser (for any of the shoot modes) or pause it. There are also
three buttons that changes the speed. You can half the speed, double it or reset it to what the encoder below is set to.
Remember that I said that all the cue timings are ignored? This means that as a default the cue fade times is 0 and the
result is that the chaser snaps between the different steps. If we would like it to do a more nicely fade from one step to
the next, we can do this using the second from the right encoder. This is currently called "Fade" and is a percent number.
This can be used to set how much of the available time should be used to fade from one step to the next. The more you
turn this up, the more of the time is used to fade.
Next to the Fade encoder is the Speed encoder. Here you can set a more detailed speed. But if you are trying to match the
beat of some music, then you can press and hold the
key while you tap one the keys associated with the chaser.
This will dynamically change the chaser speed to the speed of your presses - it's a function called learn and you can also
see it on the Master Speed in the Magic Speed view.
The MA dot2 is handling speed as BPM (Beats Per Minute). This is used for chasers and effects and both are adjusted by
the Master Speed fader in the Magic Speed view.
Running chasers from cues
One of the limits with chasers is that they are not easy integrated with cue playback.
The only way to do this is to add commands in your cue list. Try to press
to open the main cue list view. Now scroll
all the way to the right and locate the "CMD" column.
In the command cell for cue 4 we want to add a command that activates the chaser. First make sure the chaser fader is
down and then note the executor page and executor number. It should be on page 3, executor number 1.
In the command cell type:
fader 3.1 at 100 fade 2
And to turn it off again in cue 5 I write:
fader 3.1 at 0 fade 5
Now you can try the cue list and when you run cue 4 then the chaser begins and with cue 5 it stops. Notice how nice it
fade in. The fade out isn't really that nice. That's because the X4's still got dimmer values from the main executor. So
after the 5 second fade then the colors snap to green. To fix this you'll need to create a new empty cue 5.5 with a fade
time of 2 and then add the X4 dimmers at 0% in cue 5 only. Then give cue 5.5 a follow as the trigger. I suggest you make
this :-)
Now this is almost all you need to know about chasers. The cues can have any kind of content, there can be as many
cues as you like. It's just a question of your imagination. Next chapter we are going to look at some effects.
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dot2 User Manual – 21 - Building chasers
Version 1.9 – 2021-05-20