Stop Log Barrier System | Deployment
Deployment (Face and Reveal)
Panel 1 is lowered into
position ensuring it is
correctly positioned with
the thicker dual harness
seal at the bottom of the
It is important to check
that both ends of the middle
seal extend completely to
either end of the panel. If
they are short there is a
chance that they will not
seal to the vertical D-seal on
the post.
. Panel 3 is lowered into
position, also ensuring its
bottom groove engages with
the top of the middle panel.
Once all panels have been
pushed down so they fully
engage with each other, the
compression blocks can be
inserted and their bolts can
then be finger tightened - do
not use tools at this stage.
Push all panels towards
the back of wall post, onto
the vertical D seal and then,
again by finger tightening
only, ensure all the panels
are firmly pushed against
the vertical D seal.
Panel 2/ 2a is lowered
into the Panel 1 ensuring
the lower section
completely engages with
the top of the panel below,
completely covering the
lower panel/s to top seal.