8 RailKing R-12 Subway Set
2. Enter Learn Mode by pressing Horn-Bell-Bell-Bell-Bell. The train will then announce
that you have entered Learn Mode.
3. Press and hold the Bell button to scroll through the available stations until you hear
the one that you would like to be your first stop. Release the button quickly as soon as
you have heard the desired stop name.
4. Press and hold the Horn button until a "saved" response confirms that station's
location and name are saved in memory.
5. Proceed to the next stop by pressing the Direction button.
6. Press the Direction button to stop the train again when you have reached the next
desired station location.
7. Using the Bell button, select the name of the station, then save using the Horn button.
8. Repeat steps 5-7 until you are ready to program the last stop in the route.
9. The manner of saving the last station in the route determines whether the route will be
an "Out & Back" or "Loop" route.
"Out & Back"
Follow steps 5-7 to save the last station. After you press the Horn button and
the sound system plays the "Saved" confirmation, press the Horn button again.
Another "Saved" confirmation will play and the car will exit Learn Mode and
enter Manual Mode.
Follow steps 5-7 to save the last station. Press the Direction button once to
start the car in forward and stop the car at the location of the first stop by
pressing the Direction button. Press the Bell button as many times as is
necessary to hear the name of the first stop. Press the Horn button until the
"Saved" confirmation is played. The car will then automatically exit Learn
Mode and enter Manual Mode.
Always approach a desired station stop location while running in Forward. Learn mode
counts distance traveled, not actual physical locations. However, unlike an automobile's
odometer, Proto-Sound 2.0 Learn Mode does erase distance when traveling in reverse. If
you operate your car past the desired stop location, you may back it up to the desired
stop location, however you must put the car into forward and then neutral again before
saving the stop name and location into memory.