Premier Burlington Zephyr Diesel Engine
constant voltage
Replaceable Lights
Figure 12a. Locations of Replacable Lights
Headlight and Interior Light Replacement
The locomotive’s headlight is controlled by a constant voltage circuit in the
engine. The headlight is easy to remove and replace when it burns out. The
bulb has a connector that attaches the bulb harness to a constant voltage board
(see figure 12a). Replacement bulbs are available directly from the M.T.H.
Parts Department.
Follow the body removal instructions found in the Lubrication and Greasing
Gently disconnect the bulb harness from the socket on the constant voltage
circuit and replace the bulb.
To replace the lights in the inside of the shell of the engine, remove the body
from the chassis. Unplug the connector from the spring contact holder, remove
the wires from the clips and remove the bulb from its holder and replace with a
new one. See figure 12b below for a diagram. To replace the bulbs on the
underside of the roof of the car, remove the bulbs from their holders by pulling
them out (like christmas tree lights). See figure 12b below for a diagram.
Wire Clips
Spring Contact Holder
Slide Bulb out
from holder
Figure 12b. Replacing the Bulbs inside the shell of the engine.