Tel: +31 (0)314 376 876
Vlijtstraat 40
ver. 1.1 2010 09 21
Fax: +31 (0)314 376 878
NL-7005 BN Doetinchem
2 of 3
Fit the lock/ boltwork according to manufacturer’s instructions. If EM1620 (EM1520) is fitted
remember to position the star washer between lock and mounting surface. To hold
starwasher put some grease on.
Cut the 8mm square spindle shaft to an appropriate
length. It is recommended to chamfer cut end slightly for
spindle to easier enter the lock/ boltwork during next
step. Make sure the length will allow for shaft to extend
properly into the lock or through the boltwork enough to
lock with star-washer. Affix the shaft with the provided
screw in the handle and bearings and cover the screw
with the label.
Hold the unit horizontal and guide keypad cable
through hole and push unit flat against mounting
Adjust position and fix the entry unit with3x M4
flathead, countersunk screws.
Now place the shaft plate on handle shaft/spindle and
push handle into place. The handle can be fitted at any
of the four angles (0, 90, 180, 270°).