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LTC Input
– This section of the LynxTWO Mixer provides control of the Longitudinal
Timecode Receiver.
– When checked, the LTC Receiver is enabled.
– When lit, indicates the LTC Receiver is locked to an incoming signal.
– Indicates the direction of the timecode from the LTC Receiver.
Drop Frame
– Indicates if drop frame is specified for the incoming signal.
Frame Rate
– Indicates the actual frame rate of the LTC Receiver.
– Indicates the last frame position decoded from the LTC Receiver.
LTC Output
– This section of the LynxTWO Mixer provides control of the Longitudinal
Timecode generator.
– When checked, the LTC generator is enabled.
Frame Rate
– Provides selection of the frame rate of the LTC generator. Allowed
rates are 24, 25, 29.97 and 30 fps.
Drop Frame
– Used to indicate drop frame for 29.97 and 30 fps frame rates.
– Used to enter the starting position for the LTC generator and display
the current timecode position when the generator is enabled.
Recalibrate Converters
– Used to calibrate DC offset of the A/D and D/A converters.
When the LynxTWO driver first loads, the converters are calibrated for optimum
fidelity. Over time temperature changes inside your computer may cause the DC
offset to drift slightly. Because of this, Lynx recommends recalibration 15 to 30
minutes after your computer has been turned on and whenever significant changes
in room temperature occur.
Dither Type
– Provides selection of the type of dither used on all record channels.
The selection may be one of the following:
- Dither is disabled. Volume processing utilizes rounding prior to truncation.
- Enables the addition of triangular probability density dither. This
type of dither is free of data-dependent noise modulation effects, but decreases
signal-to-noise ratio by 4.8 dB. Triangular is the preferred dither type in most
Shaped Triangular
- Enables the addition of shaped triangular probability density
dither. This type of dither is essentially a high-pass filtered triangular dither
that places most of the dither energy at higher frequencies making it less
audible to the human ear. Shaped triangular dither also decreases signal-to-
noise ratio by 4.8 dB.
- Enables the addition of rectangular probability density dither. This
type of dither decreases the signal-to-noise ratio by 3 dB (less than triangular),
but is less desirable because of its noise modulation effects.
Mixer Reference