Lyngdorf MP-40 – External Control Manual
Controlling Focus Positions
Command !RPFOCS?<CR> is used to get the list of selectable focus positions along with
their names. For example, a response for !RPFOCS<CR> could be:
!RPFOC(1)"Focus 1"<CR>
!RPFOC(2)"Focus 2"<CR>
!RPFOC(4)"Focus 4"<CR>
It can be seen from the response that there are 4 RoomPerfect positions, named “Focus 1,”
“Focus 2,” “Focus 4,” and “Global.” Note that the numbering of the positions is not
Command !RPFOC?<CR> is used to find out which position is currently selected. The
response for this command is !RPFOC(X)”NAME”<CR> where X is the index of the currently
selected position (a value between 0 and 9) and NAME is the name of the currently selected
position. This response is sent automatically whenever the position is changed if feedback
level is 1 or higher.
Commands !RPFOC+<CR> and !RPFOC-<CR> are used to select next or previous position.
Command !RPFOC(X)<CR> is used to select a specific position. The X in the command can
be any index from the list of measured focus positions retrieved by using command
The installer might add or remove focus positions at any time, so it is recommended to
update the list of selectable focus positions at least in every boot-up.