Lyngdorf MP-40 – External Control Manual
Controlling Processing Modes
The MP-40 processor has controls for selecting processing modes, also called audio modes.
Command !AUDMODEL?<CR> can be used to get a list of processing modes; how many
are there and what they are named. For example, a response for command
!AUDMODEL?<CR> could be:
!AUDMODE(1)"dts Neo:X Cinema"<CR>
!AUDMODE(2)"dts Neo:X Music"<CR>
!AUDMODE(3)"dts Neo:X Game"<CR>
!AUDMODE(5)"Dolby Upmixer"<CR>
Commands !<CR> and !AUDMODE-<CR> are used to select next and previous
audio mode from the list of available audio modes.
Command !AUDMODE(X)<CR> is used to select a specific processing mode, where X is an
audio mode index as seen in the reply above.
Command !AUDMODE?<CR> is used to find out which processing mode is currently
selected. The response for this command is !AUDMODE(X)”Name”<CR>, where X is the
index of the audio mode and Name is the name of the audio mode. This response is sent
automatically, when the audio mode changes, if feedback level is 1 or higher.