User Guide
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Choose the menu
Network Security>>ARP Inspection>>ARP Detection
to load the
following page:
Figure 12-13 ARP Detection
The following entries are displayed on this screen:
ARP Detection
ARP Detection:
Enable/Disable the ARP Detection function.
Trusted Port
Trusted Port:
Select the Port(s) for which the ARP Detection function is unnecessary.
Ports such as Uplink Ports, Router Ports and LAG Ports, should be set as
Trusted Ports. To ensure the normal communication with the Switch, please
confi gure the ARP Trusted Ports before Enabling the ARP Detection function.
ARP Detection settings will be restored to defaults if the
Switch is restarted and you have not selected Save Confi g
from the main menu and saved your running confi guration to
non-volatile memory.
ARP Detection and ARP Defense cannot be Enabled at the same time.