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Record All
Tap on the “Record All” button and all cameras will start recording immediately. The recording
will last for 2 minutes.
Up to 5 scheduled recording sessions are available in a single day. You are limited to the size of
the micro SD card for how long a total of recording time you will have.
1. Tap on the “Schedule” button and the following screen will display.
2. Select on the left side bar the number of the schedule. You can configure up to 5 schedules.
3. Select the camera that you want to set up. Tap on the week day that you would like the
camera to record. Multiple cameras can be configured. Tap on the “Save” button to save the
4. If you want to specify time frame, tap the “Time” button to further configure the time for
recording. The default time setting is from 12:00am to 11:59pm. Make sure to tap the “Save”
button to save the setting before exiting the setup screen.
5. Repeat the procedures with other schedules if you want to set up multiple recording time
tables. Ensure to save the schedules for the settings to take effect.
If the recording is longer than 15 minutes, it will be divided into clips (with each clip lasting
for 15 minutes maximum). The actual available recording time is limited by the capacity of the
memory card.