Connect Wallstation to Occupant Sensor
wallstation models are
capable of supplying power for and receiving a
control signal back from a 24 V
sensor. Connect the three occupant sensor wires
to the sensor/contact closure input connector as
Occupant Sensor Wiring
Notes for Occupant Sensors:
When using non-Lutron occupant sensors, verify
compatibility of sensor signal output (dry contact
closure or solid-state output). If the output is a dry
contact closure, the contact should be rated for
20 V
and 0.5 mA. If the output is solid-state,
the output must be an open collector, an active-
high, or an active-low configuration. The solid-state
output must be less than 6 V
when pulled
low and greater than 18 V
when pulled high.
The solid-state output must have an off-state leak-
age current less than ±60 uA. The output must
stay in the closed or open states for at least 40
msec in order to be recognized by the wallstation.
If there is any question as to whether the occupant
sensor is compatible with these specifications,
contact the manufacturer.
Connect the Wallstation to external contact
closure inputs (optional).
If using one contact
closure input, connect the input to terminal A of
the wallstation sensor/contact closure input con-
nector. If using two contact closure inputs, con-
nect the inputs to terminals A and B. Connect the
common side of the contact closure inputs to ter-
minal C.
Contact Closure Input Wiring
Notes for Contact Closure Inputs:
Verify compatibility of external contact closure input
devices. The contact closure inputs can be used
with either dry contact closures or ground-refer-
enced solid-state outputs. If the output is a dry
contact closure, the contact must be rated for
10 V
and 0.5 mA. If the output is solid-state,
the output must be an open collector configuration
(NPN) with an on-state saturation voltage of less
than 2 V
at 0.1 mA and an off-state leakage
current of less than 50 uA at 5 V
. The out-
puts must stay in the closed or open states for at
least 40 msec in order to be recognized by the
wallstation. If there is any question as to whether
the device is compatible with these specifications,
contact the manufacturer.
Installation Instructions
Occupant Copy
2: 24 V
3: Common
(3) #18 AWG
(1.0 mm
Occupant Sensor
1: Signal
Input 2
(3) #18 AWG
(1.0 mm
Input 1