Now check again that the whole structure is perfectly square, that the door can be opened and closed properly
and that the gable follows the lines of the front and back wall (do not forget the rods.)- if all this is all right,
work can commence on the roof.
followed by the
to form a firm surface (not too tight),
All the profiled boards should be nailed securely to the
walls, gables and purlins - please trim the last boards (for example, using a fretsaw) for a flush edging on the
outer rim of the purlin/roof edge.
The roof boards have slightly rounded corners in the front side and chamfers
and one groove in the back side. They are assembled the rounded side downwards and the side with the
chamfers and the groove upwards.
Here again, any unevenness caused by the planer, rough edges etc.
even in the grooves and tongues, are due to well-tried production techniques and quite normal and not a
reason for reclamation.
Begin with the 2 profiled boards, with the groove pointing outwards, on the outer edge of the purlins/the
top edge of the roof C7 / D7;
other profiled boards,
diagram 5. The entire roof should be checked for parallel eaves, a uniform overhang over the walls and
an even, firm support in the case of the purlins.
A firm, durable anchoring of the roof is important for the stability of the
cabin as a whole!
Take care when you work!
After nailing the roof boards they must be covered immediately!
Lillevilla 80