Main menu
On the left hand side, you can find the main menu. Click on any tab to reach the corresponding menu.
Port status
This table gives you a quick overview of the switch’s ports settings. Parameters such as port speed and legend can be
modified in the following menu: Global > Port Settings (see “Port settings” on page 25)
IP Settings
Find here all the network settings of the switch. These parameters can be modified in the following menu: Global >
Device Settings (see “Device setttings” on page 24)
System Info
Find here all the device’s info such as serial number, device name, system identifier, MAC address, system description, and
if a configuration profile is currently in use. These information can be modified in the following menu:
Global > Device Settings (see “Device setttings” on page 24)
Switch image
The top image gives you a quick overview of the switch port status (front and rear). Actives ports are filled with the
following colours:
Orange: 100Mbps link
Green: 1000Mbps (1Gbps) link
The status page is split into several panes that will be described below:
Status Page
The feature allows you to easily identify a GigaCore switch in a stack of device. Click on the Luminex Logo on the switch
image, all four status LEDs on the left hand side of the switch will start blinking three times.
RPSU connectors
On the right hand side of the switch’s image, two squares indicates the status of the RPSU connectors (PSU and PoE).
Three differents status colors are available: