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Copyright Information
Copyrights © Lumens Digital Optics Inc. All rights reserved.
Lumens is a trademark that is currently being registered by Lumens Digital Optics Inc.
Copying, reproducing or transmitting this file is not allowed if a license is not provided by Lumens Digital Optics
Inc. unless copying this file is for the purpose of backup after purchasing this product.
In order to keep improving the product, Lumens Digital Optics Inc. hereby reserves the right to make changes to
product specifications without prior notice. The information in this file is subject to change without prior notice.
To fully explain or describe how this product should be used, this manual may refer to names of other products or
companies without any intention of infringement.
Disclaimer of warranties: Lumens Digital Optics Inc. is neither responsible for any possible technological, editorial
errors or omissions, nor responsible for any incidental or related damages arising from providing this file, using, or
operating this product.
Limitations, Restrictions, on Licensee
Licensee shall not provide any terms in its End User License Agreement for the Enabling Firmware that it has
with the End User, or otherwise take any action, inconsistent with the rights of NewTek set forth in this
agreement. Licensee shall not interfere with, void, or otherwise make ineffective, any term of the NewTek
|HX End User License Agreement (“NDI
|HX EULA”) that is distributed with the NDI
|HX software by
NewTek. The NewTek NDI
|HX EULA may be updated and modified for End Users downloading the NDI
software in the future, at NewTek’s sole discretion. NDI
|HX EULA also refers to any modifications that are
made pursuant to the modification terms therein. Any direct or indirect distribution of the Enabling Firmware by
Licensee, and any Upgrade Enabled Product, shall be under the terms of an End User License Agreement
containing terms that are not inconsistent with the rights of NewTek hereunder, and shall include an anti-reverse
engineering requirement applicable to the End User to prevent the End User from reverse engineering,
disassembling, or recompiling, or attempting to do any of the foregoing, with the Enabling Firmware, the
|HX Software and/or the interoperability between the two, in whole or in part.