Rigging Manual
2 of 15
Total Task Time:
Figure: 1 is showing the boat on the
truck as it arrives at your dealership.
The boat will be shrink-wrapped with
netting over it. The shrink wrap and
netting will have to be removed before
rigging the boat. Look the underside of
the boat over for any shipping damage
that might have happened during
delivery and document if any is found.
In figure: 2 you notice that the sunshade
and console are shipped separately from
the boat on its own cradle. This will be
secured on the front of the truck. Look
over sunshade and console for any
shipping damage and document. The
sunshade needs to be unsecured from
cradles before setting on top of hardtop.
Figure: 3 is showing the tube that the
steering lines and the electronic control
cable and nav light harness come up
from the engine room to the upper
console. They will be inside the ladder
tubing for shipment. There is a
retrieving line tied to them that gets
pull and will pull up the steering lines
and cable from the engine room. It is
requested that a second person goes
into the engine room and helps feed
lines to insure that the lines don’t get
kinked while pulling into tube.
Figure: 2
Figure: 3
Figure: 1