I440ZX Main Board
Hard Disk Configurations
1. TYPE : select from "1" to "45" to fill remaining fields with redefined values of
disk drives. Select "USER" to fill the remaining fields. Select
"AUTO" to detect the HDD type automatically.
2. SIZE : the hard disk size. The unit is mega byte(MB).
3. CYLS : the cylinder number of the hard disk.
4. HEAD : the read/write head number of hard disk. The range is from "1" to
5. PRECOMP: the cylinder number at which the disk drive changes the write
6. LANDZ : the cylinder number that the disk drive heads (read/write) are seated
when the disk drive is parked.
7. SECTOR : the sector number of each track defined on the hard disk. The range
is from "1" to "64".
8. MODE :select "AUTO" to detect the mode type automatically. If your hard disk
supports the LBA mode, select "LBA" or "LARGE". However, if
your hard disk cyclinder is more than 1024 and does not support the
lba function, you have to set at "LARGE.” Select "NORMAL" if
your hard disk supporting cylinder is below 1024.
Note 1: if hard disk primary master/slave and secondary master/slave were set to
“auto,” the hard disk size and model will be auto detected on display during POST.
Note2: "halt on" is to determine when to halt the system by the BIOS if error occurs
during POST.