I440ZX Main Board
2-3-2 JP2: CMOS Status
JP2 is a 2-pin connector. Clear CMOS if system password is forgotten. Below is
details to show how to clear CMOS.
CMOS Status
Clear CMOS
Procedure to clear CMOS:
Step 1: Shut down the system and disconnect the ATX power supply from AC power.
Step 2: Pull out the ATX cable from the power supply connector.
Step 3: Short the CMOS jumper by putting jumper cap on Pin 1-2 for a few seconds.
Step 4: Return to “off” status for normal setup.
Setp 5: Link power cable to the connector & connect AC power to power supply.
Step 6: Turn on system power.
if you’d like to set password, press “Del” Key during system bootup to enter
CMOS setup and establish a new password.
JP 2 : C M O S status
O N : C le a r C M O S
O F F : N o rm al (d e fau lt)