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Lucent Technologies – Proprietary
See notice on first page
FOA Draft Issue 1
January, 2006
Chapter 6 "RF cable connections between existing Modular Cell
cabinets and a Modular Cell 4.0B dual band cabinet" provides the
following procedures for RF connections between cabinets.
Procedures for the use of the chapter
Routing and connection of RF cables between existing Modular
Cell cabinets and a Modular Cell 4.0B dual band cabinet
Chapter 7 "Finishing the installation" provides the following
procedures for finishing the installation of individual cabinets.
RF antenna connections (Primary or dual band cabinets)
Final connection of primary cabinet batteries
Replacement of panels and closure of cabinet doors (all cabinets).
Appendix A "EZBFo Battery Frame Installation with Modular Cell
4.0B cabinets (with integrated power)" provides installation
procedures for the installation of the EZBFo battery frame as an
alternate to the WNG24-BC procedures presented in Chapters 4
and 5.
Appendix B "Non-Lucent power ancillary hardware installation, cable
routing and connection" provides instructions for the connection of
non-Lucent customer power at the 4.0B Modular Cell cabinets
Appendix C "Post-installation checklist by cabinet" provides
checklists to verify completion of required items.
Appendix D “Post-installation checklist by cabinet” provides checklists
to verify completion of required items.