Stinger OC3-ATM Trunk Module Guide
Configuring the OC3-ATM Trunk Module
Checking OC3-ATM trunk interface status
Monitoring errors and performance of the SONET payload
The Performance-Monitoring and Interval-Performance-Monitoring subprofiles include
counters for SONET performance and error conditions.
The Performance-Monitoring values are the cumulative performance counters, which are reset
at the end of every 15-minute interval. The information in the Performance-Monitoring
counters is used to update the values in the Interval-Performance-Monitoring subprofile.
The Interval-Performance-Monitoring values represent performance for the preceding four
15-minute intervals, thereby providing performance data about the past hour.
Events that constitute errors (such as severely errored frames, loss of signal, alarm indication
signal, or STS-path loss of pointer events) are defined in RFC 1595, Definitions of Managed
Objects for the SONET/SDH Interface Type.
Performance and error counters
Performance and error counters are maintained at the section, line, path SONET layers (see
Figure 1-3).
Figure 1-3. SONET layers
As shown in Figure 1-3, a SONET section is a single run of cable. Section-terminating
equipment is any adjacent pair of switches. A line is one or more sections. A path is an
end-to-end circuit.
Coding violations are bit-interleaved parity errors detected in the incoming signal. A severely
errored frame defect begins when four contiguous words are detected with an error in frame
alignment, and ends when two contiguous words occur with error-free frame alignment.
An errored second is a second in which one or more coding violations or incoming errors have
occurred at the specified layer.
A severely errored second is a second in which more than a certain number of coding
violations or incoming errors have occurred, with the number based on line rate and bit error
rate (BER).
Total number of idle cells received.
Total number of valid cells received.