Preparing to upgrade
CellPipe IAD 4A and CellPipe IAD 8T Hardware Installation Guide
Serial port—Specify which of the computer’s serial ports the software uses. If the
only serial port available is currently used by an internal modem, you may need
to use your computer’s setup software to specify an external connector for the
port that will be used in place of the internal modem. In some cases, you also
may need to remove the modem. See the manual for the modem and your
computer’s user manual for details.
Terminal type—Specify VT100.
Duplex—Most communications software support full-duplex transmission by
default. If given a choice, set Full duplex.
Bits per second—Specify 9600.
Data bits—Specify 8.
Parity—Specify None.
Stop bits—Specify 1.
Flow control—Disable software flow control (XON/XOFF) and, if possible,
hardware flow control (RTS/CTS).
When you establish the connection, the command-line interface appears.
Preparing to upgrade
Set up a TFTP server on the network that is accessible by your CellPipe unit prior to
upgrading the software. Also, configure an IP address on the 10BaseT port of the
CellPipe unit and test the connection to the TFTP server by pinging the server.
Locating the software binary file(s)
Do not upgrade to an earlier software version. Uploading older software
causes the unit to loose configuration, and you will have to return it for replacement.
You can locate the software binary file (or collection of software binary files) for the
IAD CellPipes at