Original Instructions for Installation, Use and Maintenance
Active Chilled Beam Type HDC
AG--B 213.1e
Feb. 2010
The Innovation Company
LTG Aktiengesellschaft
LTG Aktiengesellschaft
Grenzstraße 7
D-70435 Stuttgart
+49 (0711) 8201-0
Fax -720
Internet: http://www.LTG-AG.de
E-Mail: [email protected]
Printed in Germany
Ausgaben mit früherem
Datum werden hiermit ungültig
Technische Änderungen vorbehalten
Former editions are invalid
Subject to technical modifications.
Only poor air movement percei-
vable on the induction unit dif-
Filter or heat exchanger polluted
Replace filter, clean heat ex-
Primary air nozzles polluted
and, thus, partly blocked
Replace nozzles* or clean, if
possible (dust deposits are
usually hard to remove which
makes replacement, in general,
more economical than clea-
ning). This may be performed
through the unit neck without
need to remove the induction
unit by simply lifting the diffu-
ser grille and the protective
grille located underneath. It is
imperative to check the filter in
the primary air center. Check for
existance of a 2--step filtering
with the 2nd step meeting at
least EU 7, better EU 8 require-
ments according to DIN 24185,
Part 2.
* Order replacement nozzles with LTG Aktiengesellschaft stating the 7--digit LTG order number, unit type,
and nozzle assembly.
These data may be taken from the oblong type plate.
Please contact LTG Aktiengesellschaft to first check since replacing older nozzles for new ones may not al-
ways be possible without certain restrictions.