1.1 Introduction
The wind speed indicator kit includes a GS320 display
and a wind speed sensor. The GS320 creates a two-way
radio network with the wind speed sensor to bring live
readings on screen. The GS320 has a user-adjustable
maximum wind speed limit and will generate an alarm
when this limit is reached. Voltage is generated on the
green wire when the system is in alarm mode; this can
be used to activate a remote siren, light, or lockout function.
1.2 Recommended Operating Conditions
Supply voltage:
9 to 30 volts
Current requirements:
maximum 1 amperes
Output wire voltage:
0 volts or supply voltage – 0.7 volts
Output wire current capability:
0.75 amperes
Operating temperature:
-40°C to +85°C (-40°F to 185°F)
1.3 Start-Up
On power up, the display will show two horizontal lines
and the green status light will flash.
Once a reliable radio communication network is
established, the display lights will remain lit without
flashing. If the status light flashes continuously for more
than 30 seconds, the GS320 may not be correctly
programmed for the wind speed sensor. To correctly
program the GS320 for the wind speed sensor, follow
Wind speed ID number
procedure in Section 2,
on p. 4 of this manual.
THe gs320 sYsTeM sYsTeM Is DesIgneD
as an oPeRaToR aID anD Is In no WaY
a sUbsTITUTe foR safe oPeRaTIng
1.4 About This Manual
ReaD CaRefUllY anD UnDeRsTanD THIs
ManUal befoRe PRoCeeDIng.
This service manual describes how to install, operate and
maintain the GS320 Display & Wind Speed Sensor.
While many sections of this service manual have
information common to all LSI-Robway displays, this one
is specific to the Wind Speed Sensor pairing.
1.4a How To Provide Feedback To LSI-Robway
LSI-Robway welcomes your feedback on the accuracy
and effectiveness of this document. Please send
feedback to [email protected]. Please include the
title of the manual and version (this information is in the
Document Revision History on p. 15) with your feedback.
1.4b How This Manual Is Updated
LSI-Robway will issue new releases of this manual as
new material becomes available. Refer to the Document
Revision History on p. 15 of the manual.
1.4c Notifications Included in Document
The following notations may be used in this manual:
HInTs anD TIPs To faCIlITaTe sYsTeM
InsTallaTIon oR UnDeRsTanDIng.
PRoTeCT YoURself agaInsT PRoDUCT
PeRfoRManCe IssUes, PRoDUCT faIlURe,
anD/oR PRoPeRTY DaMage.
PRoTeCT YoURself agaInsT
SkyAzúl, Equipment Solutions