L-IP User Manual
Version 6.1
LOYTEC electronics GmbH Downloading and Uploading the Node List
If the L-IP Redundant Plug-In is running in Online-Mode the node list can be uploaded
from the device and downloaded to the device (see Figure 123).
Upload Node List
Download Node List
Figure 123: Up- and Downloading the Node List.
If the router redundancy is used, a dialog will ask whether to copy the same node list to the
twin router (see Figure 124) after the download to the selected device has finished. It is
strongly recommended to answer this dialog with “Yes”.
Figure 124: Download the Node List to both routers?
9.5.7 Parameters
The properties view is used to access the configuration properties used to define the
behaviour of the L-IP Redundant. To access the properties view click on the “Parameters”
icon on the left side of the L-IP Redundant Plug-In window (see Figure 125).
The following properties can be changed:
Max Status Send Time
This parameter influences the heart beat functionality in the node object of the diagnostic
node (see Section 9.7.1). If set to 0 the heart beat functionality is disabled, any other value
will enable heart beat functionality and
will be sent
out with the interval defined by this value.
Enable Loop Monitor
Deselecting this check box will disable bus loop monitoring (see Section 9.2.1).
Max Send Time
This parameter influences the heart beat functionality in the bus loop monitor object of the
diagnostic node. If set to 0 the heart beat functionality is disabled, any other value will
enable heart beat functionality and
will be sent out with the
interval defined by this value.
Enable Twin Router
Deselecting this check box will disable twin router monitoring (see Section 9.2.2). Note: If
no twin router is present it is not required to turn off twin router monitoring.