L-INX User Manual
Version 4.0
LOYTEC electronics GmbH
6.4 Workflows for CEA-709
This section discusses a number of work flows for configuring a CEA-709 L-INX in
different use cases in addition to the simple use case in the quick-start scenario (see Chapter
2). The description is intended to be high-level and is depicted in flow diagrams. The
individual steps refer to later sections, which describe each step in more detail. In principle,
the L-INX Configurator supports the following use cases:
Network Management Tool based on LNS 3.x (see Section 6.4.2)
Non-LNS 3.x network management tool with polling (see Section 6.4.3)
Non-LNS 3.x network management tool with bindings (see Section 6.4.4)
6.4.1 Involved Configuration Files
In the configuration process, there are a number of files involved:
XIF file: This is the standard file format to exchange the static interface of a device.
This file can be used to create a device in the database without having the L-INX on-
line. There exists a standard XIF file for the FT port (e.g., LINX-10x_FT-10.xif) and
one for the IP-852 port (e.g., LINX-10x_IP-10L.xif). For the LINX-15x model use the
LINX-12x XIF files.
L-INX Configurator project file: This file contains all ports, data points, and
connections of a project. These files end with ―.linx0‖, ―.linx1‖, or ―.linx2‖. It stores all
relevant configuration data and is intended to be saved on a PC to backup the LINX‘s
data point configuration.
6.4.2 Configure with LNS
The flow diagram in Figure 91 shows the steps that need to be followed in order to
configure the L-INX in a network with LNS 3.x. In this scenario, the L-INX will use
dynamic NVs and bindings.
First, the L-INX device must be added to LNS (see Section 6.4.6). Then the L-INX
Configurator must be started in plug-in mode to configure the L-INX (see Section 6.7.1). In
the Configurator, scan for the data points in the LNS database (see Section 6.7.2). Select the
data points that the L-INX shall expose (see Section 6.7.5). Finally, the configuration needs
to be downloaded to the L-INX via LNS (see Section 6.7.9). It is recommended to backup
the device configuration to a file for being able to replace the device in the network (see
Section 6.6.6).